Monday, August 22, 2011

Latest update 8/24/11

Well I am back with the latest update. Just spent 4 hours at the Bennett Cancer Center (which I refer to as the BCC). They are changing the bone building medication from Zometa to Aredia, which takes 2-4 hours to infuse via IV. I brought everything I could, laptop, Kindle, iPhone, so I could make the time fly productively, which I did. Then I had to get an Xray, since I got a cold and they wanted to be sure I didn't have pneumonia (which I don't). That is a byproduct of taking so many immune suppressing drugs. Finally today, I was off to the Rheumatologist, who now thinks (he is a new one since my old one wasn't covered by my insurance) I don't have Rheumatoid Arthritis. I do like him better and think he is more thorough. So my day was filled with medical needs. My numbers still look good, I ask for them every time I go to the BCC. And my biggest perk is the rose I get when I leave, a real fresh large rose of any color I choose. Today was a pinky red (last week was white)!

My meds are working fine, which is good news. I am going to Boston on September 9th to attend a Myeloma conference of the leading doctors in the field. I think it will be very informative and I dreaded meeting others with the condition, but Jon told me to avoid conversations with them and just gather information from the experts. I think it was good advice, hearing war stories now, doesn't sound motivating. I think I am a "rare case" being in remission so early with so few drugs.

Latest news is my neuropathy in my left hand is really "carpel tunnel" which needs to be surgically corrected. I think I will wait until next month for that. Tomorrow I go for a biopsy on a cyst on my thyroid that I have had for several years, but the doctor just wants it checked, so yet another test! I will be glad when all these things are completed and behind me. Next on the list is my first colonoscopy. Planning on that for October. After years and years of not going to doctors or having any tests, I think this is the "catch up time" for me.

Again, thanks for reading this and being interested in my progress!!!

Love to all....


  1. Marilyn, Tony and I keep you and Bill in our thoughts and prayers. So very glad to hear the wonderful news! Hope to get to CT soon and will stop by to see you. Love, Susan and Tony

  2. I love that a rose is part of the treatment. What a great way to recognize the importance of mental well-being. You really do have an amazing team working with you. Not to mention all of us who are rooting for you. Hope Boston turns out well.

  3. You are an amazing woman with an incredible drive. You'll be fine after all this is over. And go to the conference with an open mind. Besides those with all the war stories, you're likely to find people who've mastered the beast and cn give you hope.
