Just realized my last entry was August and I forgot to include my trip to Boston for the Multiple Myeloma Conference. These conferences are worth every minute. I dreaded going thinking I would meet a group of negative, sick or depressing stories. Actually is was just the opposite. The doctors who presented the conference were all experts in the field of Myeloma and talked about all the research and clinical trials being conducted in the area and gains being made. They also said that although Myeloma is a small percentage of all the cancers, this group is light years ahead of other research areas as they begin to unlock what the initial cancer point is. In fact their research is opening new doors for other cancer discoveries! Nice to hear. Met all the research leaders and had the opportunity to speak to them about the future of the disease/condition. By the time I left, I felt so much was being done to find a cure for this and they aren't that far away.
I did share the information with my Oncologist who said this is a very active group that is making great gains. The presentation was much like a Med School sharing of information, but my love of medicine and research made this very informative! I was excited to know that I actually could understand 70% of what those doctors were presenting. Then at the end, they allowed small groups to meet to discuss ideas that they shared which really helped. Found a couple of great solutions to my neuropathy, which still continued to be a problem, but not now.
Greta conference, worth the day trip to Boston!
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